Northumberland Ten Year Housing and Homelessness Plan
As the service manager for homelessness, Northumberland County Community and Social Services is required to develop a housing and homelessness plan which provides a framework for integrated local planning to address housing affordability, coordination of homelessness and related support services and homelessness prevention across the County. The plans can also be an important tool to support local poverty reduction and community safety and wellbeing plans.
Northumberland County's 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan outlines a long-term vision and strategic plan for affordable housing and homeless related programs and services and identifies objectives that reflect the unique issues and needs across Northumberland. The plan highlights a range of data and information that shows the current state of needs and priorities, and it also explains the actions and plans to address the challenges.
Every year the County develops an annual report, which highlights the achievements and data that reflects on the previous year.