
Northumberland County recognizes that persons with disabilities represent a significant and growing part of our population. We believe in integration and equal access for everyone. We are committed to treating people in ways that maintain dignity and independence. We strive to provide all members of the public and our staff with inclusive and accessible services and facilities.

To learn more about our commitment to accessibility and the actions we will take to remove barriers and improve the accessibility of our services, please view our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.

Accessible formats and communication supports

All of our information and communications are available in alternative format upon request. Please submit your request using our online form or call 1-800-354-7050 ext. 2327.

Request an alternative format

Accessible services and facilities

Northumberland County is committed to ensuring our services and facilities are inclusive and accessible to everyone. Discover some of the features that make our buildings and Forest trails more accessible.

Waste and recycling supports

Northumberland County offers supports to increase the accessibility for our recycling and waste programs:

  • Accessible Recycling Collection Program - Residents with disabilities that prevent them from using a blue or grey box can apply to continue to set their recycling out in bags. Please note, that if approved, sorting materials is still required.
  • Medical Waste Subsidy - If you create large amounts of medical waste due to a medical condition, you may apply for a garbage bag-tag subsidy. If approved, you will receive a set number of free bag-tags per year to help you with the disposal of your medical waste. For more information, please refer to our Medical Waste Subsidy Policy.

Other local supports

For information about other local accessibility services and support, please visit the 211 Ontario website or call 2-1-1.

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Northumberland Accessibility Advisory Committee (NAAC) provides advice, recommendations and support to County Council and all County departments regarding accessibility plans and policies.

The committee meets monthly (excluding July, August and December) and consists of County residents who have disabilities as well as representatives of community agencies with an interest in removing barriers to people with disabilities.

We welcome your feedback

We invite you to provide feedback regarding the accessibility of our goods, services and facilities. We welcome the opportunity to learn and improve through your experiences.

Complete our online Accessibility Feedback form or submit your feedback by:

  • Calling us at 1-800-354-7050 extension 2327
  • Emailing us
  • Mailing our Accessibility Coordinator at 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6

Share your feedback